
China's central bank said, and neighbors to consider joining hands to control the circulation of counterfeit money yuan

Yesterday, the central bank's monetary gold and silver Secretary Hideo male journalists will be held in Beijing on the HD90 version clarify rumors of counterfeit money. HD90 version renminbi is not as the media called "high-simulation," the counterfeit money to identify the characteristics of the naked eye can. At present there is no evidence that HD90 version of counterfeit money is flowing from the Taiwan region.

Hideo M said that was not "HD90" number of hundred dollars on a face value of the yuan must be counterfeit, the word crown numbers alone to determine the true monetary inaccurate. Hideo men stressed, HD90 is not a new version of counterfeit money found in counterfeit money, "as early as the 2006 version of the HD90 found counterfeit money, and in 2007 had揭掉manufacturing counterfeit version of the HD90 dens." It is reported that in 2007 the public security organs in Guangdong揭掉dens of fake, counterfeit money confiscated at the scene there HD90 version. Are there any other sources, relevant departments also can not be sure.

The central bank to consider a joint anti-counterfeiting neighbors

Hideo men said yesterday, after increasing efforts to combat counterfeit money, counterfeit money in previous years, the momentum of the spread of proliferation and has been basically curbed, but the anti-counterfeit work situation is grim.

Hideo men said that only in 2007 that uncovered more than 30 million dollars more than the manufacture of counterfeit money case. Judging from the current cracked down from the bank and ATM access to the case of counterfeit money, has not yet been found to be counterfeit money HD90 series, but made with genuine hard currencies.

Judging from the current case uncovered the manufacture of counterfeit money, the counterfeit money manufacturing division of labor is getting smaller. Hideo man said: "There are specialized manufacturing equipment, specialized plate, and specialized in print, in the specialized trafficking and specialized retail. Anti-counterfeit work, the grim situation facing."

Hideo M pointed out that the central bank is under consideration and the relevant bodies of neighboring countries to join forces to control possible yuan of counterfeit money in circulation, "has not yet been heard in China's neighboring countries found that the phenomenon of fake RMB circulation."
