
Chinese response to the Dalai Lama "autonomy": a system of regional national and unswervingly

Respect for the Dalai Lama in India recently distributed a "Tibet of the whole nation to achieve true self-government", three days through the official Chinese media published an article in response to be. Dalai Lama in the "Proposal" in either the all Tibetan autonomous areas into a unified system, and the other is required not to interfere in the autonomy of the central power, and that their request is in line with China's Constitution and the Law on Regional National Autonomy. Official media published three years of study China's regional ethnic autonomy Ning Mao Gong article, the writer said that the Dalai Lama demands "can not agree with it." The author said that China's regional ethnic autonomy in the national unity under the leadership of the regional national autonomy, and unity is an organic combination of self-government. The central government and autonomous local self-government institutions is not a simple relationship between the separation of powers, but the unity and self-differentiation combined. Dalai Lama calls for the central government with "a clear distribution of power" and the reunification of the country and the leadership of the regional autonomy of minority nationalities against each other completely, with the Constitution and the Law on Regional National Autonomy is based on the principle of non-compatible. The article said that China's regional ethnic autonomy reflects the ethnic and regional factors, political factors and economic factors, historical factors and the unity real factor. China's regional ethnic autonomy is not a simple or autonomous regional autonomy, but rather a combination of these various factors. The author asked: "Dalai Lama in accordance with the" recommendation "to the nation simply to the demarcation, and not man-made ethnic discrimination and ethnic segregation?" The article said that China's system of ethnic regional autonomy to the regional national autonomy and promoting ethnic unity and progress should be closely integrated. Since the founding of New China, especially the reform and opening up, party and the state enacted a series of special policies and measures to speed up the areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. This fully shows that China's regional ethnic autonomy policy and reflects the fundamental interests of people of all ethnic groups. Dalai's "proposal" only Tibetan and completely ignored the rights of other nationalities, makes no reference to people of all ethnic groups in Tibet to achieve development and progress, talk about the so-called "genuine autonomy" for Tibet to promote the fundamental interests of people of all ethnic groups do not No good. The article said that the regional autonomy of minority nationalities of China to resolve the ethnic issue is a basic political system, it has great advantages. Must adhere to the system of regional ethnic autonomy unwavering. Dalai's "recommendations" in disregard of the facts, saying that a large number of other ethnic autonomy in Tibet the Tibetan influence is in fact engaged in that nation, "go it alone" in favor of Tibet and separating the mainland, closed up, it is very harmful. The article concluded by saying that the Dalai Lama under the banner of the implementation of aspects of China's regional ethnic autonomy in the name of, or adhere to the so-called "Tibetan" and "a high degree of autonomy" that a set of political ideas, totally contrary to the fundamental interests of Tibetan people, there is no way out .
